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Avatar since: 02/09/2005

United States - OH
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When a football player kneels down to thank God after making a touchdown, no one laughs.... When a baseball pitcher crosses himself before he walks up to the mound, no one laughs..... So then you're saying that it's alright to believe in God but it's not alright to believe in angels? Last time I checked, they were on the same team - Angels in the Outfield
Basic Information:
Alias: Leon
Eye color: Hazel green
Hair color: Jet Black
Race: Human
Position: Senior College Student
Interests: Baseball, soccer, music, heights, flying, swimming, acting, and singing
Location: Within the depths of my own heart
Alignment: Good
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 149 lbs.
Eye color: Hazel green
Weapon(s) Of Choice: Swords, daggers, and other sharp objects
Intellect: Average
Body structure: Athletic
Birthdate: March 1, 1990
Eating preferences: Vegetarian
Favorite mammal: The wolf, the noble and loyal creatures of the forest
Favorite sea creature: Dolphin, the kind helpers of the sea
Favorite sky creature: Eagle, the noble representative of the skies
I've been studying in many different areas and schools since my dad has worked for the military for over 20 years. Now that he has retired from that and moved on to a better paying job, my parents will be living in this house that I'm currently coming to you from for the rest of their lives. My aspirations at the moment are to finish high school and then finish college with at least a Bachelor's degree. Should I be able to raise more money, I will try to accomplish a Master's. I also wish to play Major League baseball and have been training ever since, which has been for the past three years. Beneath it all, I'm just an average human being with emotions the same as anyone else that you've met in your life. I like to act and sing and play sports with my friends and I'm glad for their company and friendship. Of course I have found all of this in my wonderful and loving mate, HenniseyRose24, so I am always looking for friends to talk to during those times when sadly she may not be available.
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